We love talking about skincare because it covers so many other important topics: sustainability, beauty standards, personal finance, wellness, our global economy, changing gender norms, etc. And even though there's thousands of articles published every year with beauty tips, or recommendations or celebrity skincare routines, there's actually very little thoughtful coverage of the skincare industry and our obsession with having "good" skin. But every now and then, a really memorable article slips through.
Here are our favorite skincare articles:
This is Your Skin on Stress, The New York Times
A really well-researched look at how stress affects our skin (hint: alot)
The Truth About Natural Beauty and Climate Change, Refinery29
One of our favorite topics at Taui Balms: the intersection of capitalism with conservation, and sometimes we confuse non-toxic (good for us!) with eco-friendly (easier on the environment) with carbon neutral (not harming the environment)
I Quit My Elaborate Skin Care Routine, New York Times
If you've ever wondered why your bathroom cabinet is stuffed full of bottles and jars, read this!
How white supremacy and capitalism influence beauty standards, Teen Vogue
This article is actually the first in a new column by Teen Vogue writer, Jessica DeFino. She writes, "In my opinion, beauty standards are the gnarled and rotten roots of all that’s wrong with the industry and perhaps the world. They are tools of oppression that reinforce sexism, racism, colorism, classism, ableism, ageism, and gender norms. They are built into our societies and embedded into our brains."
Love it.
All of These Products Are Making Your Skin Worse, The New York Times
A really interesting look at how badly formulated products break down our acid mantle and that overtime our skin gets damaged (similar to eating junk food for years)
Come on feminists, ditch the makeup bag, The Guardian
This is an op-ed from feminist writer Julie Bindel about how expensive and toxic the average woman's makeup routine is:
There are some powerful rewards in store for women who conform to femininity, as well as punishment and disapproval for those that reject it, such as being verbally or physically attacked for looking “like a man”. A free choice to wear makeup only exists if not wearing makeup is not a stigmatized option.
The Beauty Industry Generates a Lot of Plastic Waste. Can It Change?, National Geographic
From the article:
The amount of plastic packaging on U.S. products (not just on personal care items) has increased by over 120 times since 1960—with almost 70 percent of that waste piling up in landfills. Globally, the packaging industry for beauty and personal care products, which primarily reflects plastic packaging, makes up nearly $25 billion in sales.